Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Retrospective

Hopefully once the holiday season dies down I'll be able to resume writing more. For now however, I've decided to revisit some posts from the last year. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I've enjoyed writing them.

* Breaking up is hard to do.

* In the Jack Realm-
- Jack starts becoming his own person.
- He can find his own way in the dark...
- The Pre-K (K) Takes My Baby Away
- Dear Jack,
- Jack and the Beanstalk
- Dear Jack (II),

* A local tragedy strikes a chord.

* I still try and understand my place in the freakiest hood of all- motherhood.

* On being happy.

* Nobody likes you when you're twenty-threeeeee.

* My Birth Story

* A dear friend of mine becomes a first time father.

* My very first guest post.

* My wheels on the bus spin round and round, and round.

* I say goodbye to someone special.

* Trying to find a place that feels like home again.

And, of course, some of my favorite songs (since I missed yesterday's Music Monday post) that either accompanied a post or just plain rocked my world-

And there you have what the last year looked and sounded.

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