Monday, February 22, 2010

Stuff and stuff

I've been trying to get some ducks in a row. Trying to finish a couple essays while also trying to write more and get back to some old poetry roots. Trying to get my health on a better track (ordering two, yes two, burrito bowls from Chipotle last night was probably not conducive to such changes..). And trying to post here more often. While I don't have too much to say (sometimes I have to wait until it gets unstuck from the inside of my head, which is the case) I do have some pretty cool stuff I found on the internet during the week. So here you go!

Apartment Therapy has been driving the inner nesting freak in me bonkers! A couple favorites-

I love coral for a paint color!
I want this rug for Jack's room so bad!

Some bathroom envy-

I'm a big believer in soap dishes. Soap build up on my sink has no place in my life.

Some wallpaper I've been sighing over-


AND...some music for your pretty ears-

Until then...