Sunday, June 28, 2009

Things I've Been Coveting...

like REALLY bad. Damn you Etsy for being my crackcocaineherioncaffeine-

Art for me walls.

Coffee mugs to help me feed my addiction.

Coffee scented candles for the withdrawals.

Cool mirrors. Not because I'm vain but for the fact that they make small spaces seem bigger...and because maybe I am a little vain. But I don't think that song is about me...

Old books.

Old suitcases for closet storage. I'd use them to store my negligee and scarves.

Art for Jack's walls. I also think "Where the Wild Things Are" could not be a more perfect fit for this child o' mine at the moment. And have you seen the trailer for the new movie??!! Get on it. I dare you not to well up with tears of nostalgia and beauty.

Ramones finger puppets. Need I say more? We can mix 'em in with the ones Greg's parents got us in Peru. The Ramones meet the llamas and Peruvian children!

These "Alice in Wonderland" keepsake boxes. I'm not quite sure of what sakes they can keep in my house, but maybe I'd find a position for them in my bathroom for make-up and whatnot.

Panda bears for Jack. He loves them! Although I don't know if I want to push his beloved "Panda BearBear" to the back burner.

I've been wanting a vintage-type bird cage like this for awhile now. I'm torn between wanting to refurbish one for a light fixture or put shelves in it for a sweet hanging medicine cabinet.

I think I just about orgasmed when I saw these. My heart still flutters every time I see them.

Ugh...Where are you Publisher's Clearing House?

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